Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Noodle Box Noodle Crew reward program change

A while ago I turned up to Noodle Box and presented my loyalty reward tag to see how much of a reward had built up and if I could use the balance. They informed me their loyalty reward scheme had changed. I couldn’t use the current amount, but to get to the balance I needed to activate a new card on the internet.

I got on the internet to activate the card. The problem I had is I don’t believe they require the information they now request. My choice was to either throw away the $20 credit I’d built up, or I sign up with their new terms conditions which requires providing information I don’t wish to provide.

I wonder if it is just me, or do others feel businesses are now going overboard with the amount of information they collect.

Of course the answer is pretty simple. We all have choices. Pay by cash and don’t use the loyalty reward scheme which means as a customer you retain some degree of control over your information and how it is used, or agree with their terms and take advantage of the loyalty reward program. For me I’ll probably now think twice about going to Noodle Box and instead use an alternate business. Ultimately as a consumer we have more power than we think. The ultimate way to express how you feel is to vote with your wallet.

I did find it interesting that when I spoke with the shop assistant they said a number of people had been happy with the new loyalty reward program. A bit of an irony. A loyalty reward program that makes your loyal customers unhappy.

Kelvin Eldridge

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